At anytime, you can add a payment method to a contact record for use with LollyPayments or update the default payment method for a schedule payment plan.
Steps to Add a Payment Method to a Contact
1. Open a Contact
2. In the Contact>Snapshot page, locate the "Payment Methods" card
3. Click on the "+" add button
4. Complete the new payment method form
5. Press save
6. Review and confirm that the payment method is saved and set it to default if necessary
Steps to Update a Payment Method on a Payment Plan
1. Go to Billing>LollyPayments
2. On the Payment Plans page, locate the payment plan record
3. Click on "⋮" more actions and select "Update Payment Method"
4. Complete the new payment method form
5. Press save
6. Refresh the Payment Plans page and verify that the last 4 of the new payment method are listed in the payment plan record