Depending on the client you are working with, you may want to provide them a means of interacting with you online. The Client Bridge is a way to provide them access to an online portal where they can provide you information via questionnaires, forms, or upload files. You can also give them a list of things they need to do, or documents you need from them, and give updates on their case.


Enable the Client Bridge

  1. Pull up the contact record and go to the tab 'Client Bridge'.
  2. Click on the 'Enable Bridge Access' checkbox and a modal will appear to set their login information. 
  3. Enter a username and password for this person's login. If they have an email already entered, the username will default to that email. The user will also receive a system notification with a link to the Client Bridge and instructions on how to sign in.
    *Note* if the person does NOT have an email, then leave the field blank and set a unique username so that they may still log in. They may log in remotely or when they come into the office and so you will still have a means of collecting information electronically.

How to Disable the Client Bridge

If you no longer want the person to have access to the Client Bridge, you can disable their ability to sign in.

  1. Pull up the contact record and go to the tab 'Client Bridge'.
  2. Uncheck the box for 'Enable Bridge Access'


Once the Bridge is enabled, you will have the ability of setting up some content. For example:

  • Assign Questionnaires
  • Assign Forms
  • Assign checklist
  • Request documents

You can choose which items to set up by using the controls in the upper right corner of each section, respectively. For example, if you want to give them a questionnaire to fill out, click on the + icon in the corner of the 'Questionnaires' card. 

Manage Access to Questionnaires

One way to get information from the client and in a format that will also print onto forms is to give them a questionnaire to fill out. If you or someone else in your office has already entered some information about this person, for example their address and work history, and the questionnaire asks for that info, the client will see those values. It will not be blank and the client will not need to re-enter any data. They can update it if needed.

When you assign a new questionnaire it is initially given a status of 'OPEN'. This status means that the client will be able to see the questionnaire and fill it out. There are other statuses that indicate different stages the questionnaire will go through. When the client clicks 'Submit to Attorney', the system will send you a notification. The status will change to 'SUBMITTED'. When you have reviewed their responses and no longer want the client to be able to edit the information, you can set the status to 'ACCEPTED'. This will have the effect of removing the client's ability to change data after the handoff.

Manage Access to Forms

A second way to get information from the client is to give them a form to fill out. If you or someone else in your office has already entered some information about this person and started filling out the form, the client will see this information on the form. They will not need to re-enter it.

When you give access to a form, you can also regulate how much they can do and see in the form. On the left side of the 'Client Bridge' page is a card titled 'Form Access'. This is where you can set the level of access the client has to forms you share with them.

  • 'Full Access' - client will be able to view/edit the form and update subjects and sync data (not recommended)
  • 'No Access' - client will not be able to load up the form.
  • 'ReadOnly Access' - client will be able to view the form and its values, but will not be able to enter data or make edits
  • 'Fill Access' - client will be able to view the form and enter data into fields. They will not be able to edit subjects or trigger sync. (RECOMMENDED)
  • 'Limited Fill Access' - client will be able to view and edit the form, but only for fields where they are marked as the subject.