Does your firm work with large groups of individuals who each pay for their own visa applications and have identical expenses your team needs to bill each of them for? Do you bill certain clients late fees every month or quarter when they go outside of their case's timeline set in their service agreement? From an accounting perspective, it might be draining on accounting's time and resources to have to manually create identical expenses for dozens of clients who fall under these circumstances each time it arises.
LollyLaw's 'Bulk Expense' feature can help your accounting team save significant time by generating a bulk expense to send to a wide reach of clients who have each incurred the same expense for the same activity (i.e. late fee, additional advisory opinion fee, optional overnight shipping fees).
Accounting can avoid manual entry of each of these expenses by following these steps:
- Go to Billing>Invoices and click on the 'Billing Actions' button in the top right corner of the screen.
- Select the 'Bulk Expense' option.
- Enter the expense amount and details that each individual shares in common (ie. late fee, overnight shipping, advisory opinion fee) and search for the clients and matters the expense pertains to from the search bar. Once selected, the clients' matters will appear in blue.
- Click 'Save' once finished.
- Verify expenses under Reports>Expense and enter the filter parameters to locate your expenses.
The days of manually generating identical expenses for dozens of clients each month or billing cycle are over with a click of a button! LollyLaw's 'Bulk Expense' feature under the 'Billing Actions' menu in 'Billing' can save your accounting team significant time and pressure when situations like this arise, so they can focus on your firm's more critical accounting needs rather than a tedious administrative task such as this.
LollyLaw's 'Bulk Expense' feature is just one of the many ways we are committed to developing practical solutions and features that help immigration firms tackle the real challenges and situations they come across in this industry. Filing group visa applications for large talent groups or charging several dozens of clients an identical expense each month such as overnight shipping can be unique to the practice of immigration where collecting urgent payments on time is critical to your firm's work. Our team is made up of industry experts years of experience in the industry, and we're committed to helping bring practical solutions to your firm!